This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Send the Marines.

Sometimes karma happens quickly.

I am disgusted at the above story. It is a self-indulgent display of cost-effective and commonsense policing. If a dead mugger turned up in this country, I would hope for the killer to spend a night in the cells being interviewed by two cops with their sleeves rolled up and then to face the full wrath of the law (ie go to jail for a couple of weeks).

At the very least, I would expect a Public Inquiry. (One of the downsides of a regular Inquiry is that a Public Inquiry always has to be held afterwards, to involve all the pressure groups and newspapers who missed the boat the first time.) The P.I. should include the following:
  • At least one Chief Constable saying that the police take these matters seriously.
  • The Prime Minister promising there will not be a whitewash.
  • A whitewash.
  • Two or three arrests timed strategically.
  • The suspension of at least five police officers.
  • A report of at least 300 pages.
  • An Asian Senior Investigating Officer. Failing that, an SIO with a moustache will do.
Unless these criteria have been met, I just do not see how justice can have been done.

Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Blogger Paradise Driver said...

The end all will be a new law requiring any person(s) with the training/capability to disarm and render lifeless an armed common street felon to wear a bright day-glo green nylon vest indicating such abilities. This way thugs will be warned against challenging them in the dark recesses of our communities.

Lets face it. How is a poor (armed) thief suppose to earn a living when the victims fail to react properly to the assault? His two missing friends should be charged with "Leaving the scene of an accident."

26 February, 2007 03:19

Blogger Busy said...

Of course, were this to happen in the UK we'd also be treated to the dead thieves family giving an interview in which his mum would be led into the press room resplendent in tracksuit and creole earrings and would then declare herself "too upset to talk" That task would fall to the uncle who'd mumble how the poor thing had "got in a with a bad crowd" or "hadn't been in any bother before" and would then demand the killer be hung.

26 February, 2007 12:25

Blogger Whichendbites said...

Fair play. Trouble is the seesaw has tilted far too far towards the rights of the 'suspect' and the protection, at all costs, of these rights. As a result the victims are seen as a mere consequence and are given the lowest of regards and this pisses off just about every officer out there. Couple this with a legal system that tries to make examples of those it deems to be taking the law into their own hands and you are left with withering confidence in a system that is claimed to protect the law abiding people of the land. In reality we all know that the system is so open to abuse by the regular 'customers' who we try to deal with on a regular basis. Don't waste your life expecting the wheel to turn because it won't. No matter how itis glossed up the road goes gently downhill. On a recent night shift a couple of days ago we even had an assault victim make off from the scene. How bizarre.

26 February, 2007 13:43

Blogger Astro-Turf Lawnmower said...

The mugger was Costa Rican, so surely the killer must have been racially motivated? That being the case, the estimate of 300 pages for the report seems rather on the low side.

26 February, 2007 19:30

Blogger blueknight said...

The local yobs used to pick on the sailors, always two or three on to one. One night they made the mistake of picking on two Special Boat Service men, The Navy equivalent of the S.A.S.
That really was justice

26 February, 2007 21:05

Blogger PCFrankyFact said...

He picked on the wrong marine.
Semper Fi.
Shame he didn't rip his head off and piss down his neck.
I'm off to watch an Arnie movie but I'll be back!

27 February, 2007 17:04

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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03 April, 2009 19:25

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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15 April, 2009 03:45


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