This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

As promised...

As a seven-year-old child, I was the victim of a most heinous sexual crime.

I was walking through the park one day when a boy a whole year older than me ran towards me and revealed his genitalia, waggling it in my face before running off giggling.

Naturally enough my mother informed the police, who immediately created the requisite crime report. Within hours they were at my door and a reassuringly large pile of paper began to accumulate. Through some superlative investigative skills, my attacker was identified. The crime report was in place, I had been interviewed, we were all ready and willing to go to court. Police prepared to swoop.

Then, the system let me down and my real ordeal began, for on discovering that the felon was only eight years old, the police dropped all charges.

Five messages to the officer concerned, two letters to the Area Commander, three solicitors and one MP later, my fight for justice rages on...

When, oh when will they close this loophole in the law which means we cannot get Detections out of under-10s? You can offer support to my campaign by clicking here.

Copyright of PC Bloggs.
Note: I feel it only fair to say that this scenario did not actually happen to me personally. Just in case you were wondering.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

....Excuse me, but have you actually read the article you linked to? Please god, tell me the answer is no...

From the article
3) State-managed school shootings have turned schools not into police state traning camps, but actual prisons themselves. Attendance is mandatory, home-schooling is frowned upon and equated with terrorism, children in some states have to attend truancy court, biometric scanning is required to enter and exit the premises and for school meals, guards patrol corridors, school buses are tracked with GPS, informant programs are set up to encourage children to rat on each other, random drug sweeps occur where police storm in with dogs and search bags and lockers, the Secret Service is called if students criticize the government, students are arrested for wearing baseball caps the wrong way. The list goes on and on. The school is a prison and therefore the students, no matter how young, are treated like criminals.

4) Since the 80's, police training has been warped to the point where the police are taught that the general public is their enemy. They are no longer public servants, they are now akin to private security firms for the government. The peace officer has been replaced by the law enforcement officer. Even their police dogs are seen as worthier than we are. Any individual, no matter how harmless they appear, is considered a threat. Even a 5 year old girl.

6) One in seven children are on Ritalin and other dangerous psychotropic drugs which make them swing between drooling in the corner at one point and then acting wildly the next. These numbers are only increasing. Children are put on these drugs in the first place for the most inane and insane reasons, such as raising their hand to answer questions in class too often.

Clearly, we are all living in a police state where children are routinely arrested and tortured. Funnily enough, I've seen nothing like this at my school, but it must of course be going on, because some maniac on a website says so! Of course! My logic is undeniable. Lets all revolt against the government.

03 April, 2007 17:44

Blogger McNoddy said...

Up here in Jockland we can nick 'em down to age 8. Doz this mean kidz learn kwicker 'ere or r yor lot just fick.

Does assist us in our statistical returns though!

03 April, 2007 18:01

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well let me know as soon as this 'law' gets passed, you can come & arrest my 6yr old niece for theft & criminal damage to a Kaiser Cheifs cd & a Mac Lipstick ;o)
Seriously though, that website is either a joke or a very scary vision of the future here.

03 April, 2007 20:38

Anonymous Anonymous said...

girlnext door , you don't need to wait for a change just report it now my bet is a majority of forces would crime it and then after requiring a statement to prove the suspect was under age , possibly from the midwife who delivered the child , before it could be filed

04 April, 2007 00:51

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All men are rapists.

Note: I feel it only fair to say that this scenario did not actually happen to me personally. Just in case you were wondering.

Hi Bloggsie

I'm glad you admit this sexual fantasy didn't happen.

Just like 95% of all reported and prosecuted rapes.

04 April, 2007 15:21

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03 April, 2009 19:51

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15 April, 2009 12:20


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