This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Make up your minds

I think it is disgraceful that unproven allegations are held on record and show up on CRB checks when people, especially teachers, apply for jobs.

I also think it is disgraceful that people who have been accused of assaults and sexual offences are able to get jobs as teachers with no sign of the allegations on their record.

I can do this because I am a MEMBER OF PUBLIC (or Mop), and therefore able to hold contradictory views with no apparent side-effects.

For example, I don't like it when the police pick on black people, and I also really hate it when the police make me wait for ten minutes while they fill in a form that shows they don't pick on black people. I can't abide the bureaucracy which keeps officers off the streets creating records and files, and I think police officers should be able to account for and justify all of their actions towards me by producing records and files. I can't abide being given traffic tickets for minor infractions like speeding and jumping red lights, when the police should be out there giving tickets to other people who are speeding and jumping red lights. I want firm action taken against hooligans, and I want the police to be sensitive and lenient on youngsters who transgress. But most of all, I want to call the police and be allowed to make allegations against all of my family, friends and neighbours, without my ever having to attend court once!

It's not easy being a Mop.

Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a scarily fine line between what I think should get recorded or disclosed by (what amounts to) government (little 'g'). It's such a fine line that I try not to cross by making too many summary judgements on things like Huntly's non-disclosure of prior [un-proven] allegations, however, should the school have known about them, would not have appointed him.

I'm also a little concerned by the amount of red-tape there is but, conversely, worried that if checks and balances weren't there, bad stuff could happen both to the public at large and to minority or vulnerable groups.

I do not envy the job you (plural) do. Please keep questioning what you see as wrong with the system :)

08 April, 2007 22:15

Blogger malpas said...

Such cynicism.
You know how it should really be.--
One should be able to look on benignly while the young constable courts Milly, one's housemaid.
And the stern and gruff police sergeant deals with the village hobbledehoys and then exchanges tips on growing roses with one's wife.

09 April, 2007 02:53

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, well it's hardly surprising teachers object.

A Police Officer who thinks this a good idea perhaps should be given the opportunity to work in an environment where a single complaint can and will terminate your career, even if it is immediately, clearly and provably a fabrication, and what effect the ability of a criminal to terminate an Officers career on a whim would have on policing.

Because of the desire to CYA following Soham the most absurd allegations are written in the CRB check, invariably in the most negative way possible "just in case".

This makes teachers unemployable in many areas. Some LEAs have a blanket policy of not employing anyone with any such detail.

There is *no* right of appeal or challenge to this. There are no "checks and balances" at all. The Police can write what they like, and omit what they like.

An aquaintance of mine was the victim of a Sweeney style raid (literally, they stormed into the classroom) which produced precisely zilch. Her CRB notes, which I have seen, are quite amazingly spiteful and appear to be a sulk at not getting a result.

Another acquaintance (I don't know that many people, this is common) was accused of raping a 15 year old girl on his CRB. This was a clear lie, as he was demonstrably abroad at the time (Passport stamps), and the girl has an extensive history of fabrication. Neither of these details is on the CRB, which merely states he was accused of rape, NFA.

It makes no difference. The CRB does not work anyway because it is done on the cheap.

The children killed by Huntley made the link through Maxine Carr, not because he was a caretaker (at a different school). If he had not got the caretakers job he could have worked in the local supermarket and the result would have been the same.

Huntley was not reported not because of failure to pass on information, but because of the failure of Police and especially Social Services to take action on umpteen reports of him having it away with underage girls, on occasion living with them.

Schools are, to my certain knowledge, still not doing the checks before teachers start anyway.

09 April, 2007 08:48

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot the one about the public wanting knife crime reduced but not wanting their sons searched by the police.

10 April, 2007 00:05

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's because so many people are stupid and lazy (how else does ZanuLabour get any MPs ?)

As I believe Goebbels said originally, keep them scared of imaginary bogeyman and you can more or less do what you like.

It's for "terrorism" "saving the children" etc etc etc.

Having worked with children for years, I can say pretty much for certain that anyone who claims to be "doing it for the children" is lying through their teeth.

The purpose of these sort of statements is to squash dissent. "You think the CRB is bad ; you must be a paedo" allows distraction from the basic problem with these wonder systems - the fact that they don't actually work.

The purpose of CRB checks is not to protect children. It is to protect bureaucrats.

When a Climbie or whatever happens (and they are still happening) then they can point to the form and say "we checked them" and avoid any responsibility.

10 April, 2007 06:52

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a member of the teaching profession in Scotland I can say that all members of staff must have an advanced disclosure check before being employed and even if transferring to another school within the same authority.

But, in saying this, they are only as good as the day they were carried out - if a member of staff has been involved in any sort of "crime" since having their checks done, and they are content to stay in the same school for their career, who will know??

I believe teaching is a "notifiable profession" but all of the non-teaching staff in schools (there are more of them than teachers) are not covered by this!

A colleague had an allegation made against her by a pupil in primary education. She was named in the local and national press with photographs, taken to court, appeared on BBC news reports and the judge threw the case out and found her NOT guilty after the little kids said they had made up the story because the teacher was strict and they didn't like her!

No public or national coverage of that or apology - a career ruined. When kids are mentioned you are automatically guilty in the eyes of others before any investigation has taken place. The Government wonder why there is a lack of teachers ......

10 April, 2007 10:31

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I can say that all members of staff must have an advanced disclosure check before being employed and even if transferring to another school within the same authority."

Might well be the case. It's supposed to be the case in England.

It certainly doesn't happen, though.

10 April, 2007 11:05

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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03 April, 2009 19:49


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