This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Me and the Beeb

You can read about my interview with Ben Ando here.

I feel it HAS to be pointed out that somebody in the Beeb is living in the last century. First they have a policewoman on Panorama wearing a skirt and with bare legs! Now this hideous picture of some kind of matriarchal nun with my "name" under it.


(Nor is the one below it.)

Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

totally agree panorama could have put a bit more thought to the appearance of the officers.just finished mister Copperfields bk just starting yours and look fwd to it.GWENT officer

21 September, 2007 14:30

Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and here's me thinking all police women looked like that in their skirts - glad to hear otherwise!

21 September, 2007 14:39

Blogger Charlie Lima said...

Lovely out fit!! Yeah I noticed those 'reconstuctions' on panorama were a bit shoody.

21 September, 2007 15:43

Blogger PCFrankyFact said...

She's wearing tights.
Or maybe stockings.....?
She's quite butch isn't she?

21 September, 2007 16:42

Blogger thinblueline said...

bah you built me all up and here i was thinking I could be the next Will in your life... bah dashed again :)

21 September, 2007 17:47

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stab vests make everyone look like that.

21 September, 2007 18:02

Blogger Hal Apeno said...

Good for you PC Bloggs, glad that wasn't your pic as the car may have identified your force. Like you I'm careful. No new life abroad for me.

21 September, 2007 19:24

Blogger Big Pleb said...

Bloggsy, just read your book and have showed my appreciation

Big Fella

21 September, 2007 20:56

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see that more and more Police are speaking out. Be careful though, after the ruck that David Copperfield's book has caused at ACPO and the Home Office I can't see you or any other Police blogger staying in the job if you're caught.

21 September, 2007 21:27

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a shame whistleblower protection doesn't extend to the police if they're raising genuine issues about the things affecting their jobs.

I think the public would be *more* supportive of the police if they could understand why things don't happen the way they expect - and those that put the hurdles in the way of the police doing their jobs might just figure out that their utopian policies and practices ideas they foist on the people feet on the street don't work in the real world.

Being a copper should not mean losing the right to bring up points of concern, and the idea of a police officer being afraid to be identified is wrong.

Those who preserve our rights should be equally entitled to enjoy those rights (even if the UK doesn't have that many left as it is)

21 September, 2007 21:36

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I'm going to read it but living it is soooooooo much more fun. What is wrong with skirts? If I had the chance I would wear one. I am sure the wife would understand and I bet they would think twice before challenging me.;)

21 September, 2007 22:44

Blogger BelfastPeeler said...

Suppose I better buy a copy then. No discount for other bloggers? Bah! :)

21 September, 2007 23:52

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hardly flattering is it?! I agree, she does look a bit butch, especially with that asp (or is it a truncheon?) in her hand.

Completely agree about the Panorama scene, although I have no room to talk about looking young that policewoman looked about 10. And why did she have ankle socks on & her hat perched on the back of her head?!

22 September, 2007 04:59

Blogger KLK said...

Congrats on getting in the beeb...sorry about that picture!

22 September, 2007 07:05

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03 April, 2009 20:26

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15 April, 2009 08:47


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