This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Stick 'em Up: It's a "Raid"

It never ceases to make me my blood boil when I read of another celebrity falling prey to police theatrics due to the time of his/her arrest. These arrests often occur between 4-7am, a time when any self-respecting white collar criminal will be tucked up in bed and should be left to sleep off the day's fraudulent activities.

Believe it or not, police officers often try to justify these early hours arrests by saying that the offender may try to flee, or to dispose of evidence, if they see the police coming. Whoever heard of such a thing? We all know that celebrities always comply with the police and would happily bring in their incriminating computers and all secret files to the police station at a reasonable hour to be interviewed.

Finally, just to clarify...

Police definition of "raid": An organised arrest or search warrant involving a team of officers who are method-of-entry trained, who have a formal briefing from a supervisor. They will possess maps of the address, intelligence documents, a box of exhibits labels and bags, a list of things to search for or people to arrest, and quite possibly latex gloves. They will surround the premises, bash in the door without knocking and charge into all rooms shouting "Police". Persons inside will be rounded up and detained while the property is systematically searched for whatever the object is.

Media defintion of "raid": Two or three uniformed officers who knock politely and ask for the relevant person, giving them time to have a drink, cigarette and inform their sleeping family before escorting them civilly into a waiting police car.

Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I wouldn't have left without Louise's autograph.

29 November, 2007 17:02

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just thinking exactly the same about what the definition of a 'raid' was before I came to that particular paragraph.
Unrelated topic - but the result of the arbitration is out - they say 2.5% is all we're worth. Pretty much expected. We need to work out where we go from here, I'm not particular happy that the government rip up an agreement which we were relatively happy with, even though it wasn't in keeping with inflation, because they know we can do absolutely f**k all about it.

29 November, 2007 17:15

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Harry was more put out about the fact that the press turned up as well.
If we never get to the bottom of football corruption, it's good to know police corruption is still alive and kicking.
I'm sure that'll pay for the christmas do.

29 November, 2007 19:52

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harry doesn't usually complain when the press turn up!! How strange.

2.5% - I think we should ask for our pay rises to be linked to those of our MP's and head civil servants. We are, after all, both public servants.
We could also link their expenses to know, reasonable, additional and receiptable..

Should save the taxpayer a fortune, even on Sir John Bourne's (head beancounter for the Government) exe's alone...

29 November, 2007 20:57

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Insp G,
I doubt they would have persuaded Louise to give an autograph unless they also raised Harry's son's house (that's who she's married to). Perhaps your intel knows a bit more than you're saying!
A far as the pay rise is concerned, you're lucky to get that as the hyprocrites in power know you can't do anything about it. They do the same to the nurses, knowing that nurses will never strike as lives could be lost and it would be seen to be their fault. Fire services and ambulance vrews can (and do) go on strike but then again, when people die, the Govt spin doctors say it's the fault of the strikers ("They let a child die for 25pence an hour" sort of thing). You forget that politicians have centuries of experience of spin, lies and half truths about them. The majority of politicians have two aims - being able to continue amassing huge sums of money on the backs of decent people and also ensuring their offspring follow in their footsteps. Ideals come far down the road with these crooks.

29 November, 2007 21:40

Blogger alanorei said...

Re: Police definition of a raid, on Sky 2's Road Wars tonight, officers from Thames Valley Police gave a suspect the choice of opening his door voluntarily or having it kicked in.

He chose the former.

I guess it's a case of 'horses for courses' some of the time.

29 November, 2007 22:15

Blogger alanorei said...

OT but this may be of interest, with Christmas coming up.

29 November, 2007 22:34

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bloggs you make me laugh. I am an MOE officer and do tap lightly on the door, I just use a 36lb lead filled key to do it with. As for pay, arbitration may have found in our favour but that is no guarantee that the Home Secretary will agree to it so we have not got it yet!!

30 November, 2007 13:19

Blogger PC Plastic Fuzz said...

I think that’s his main gripe – the press turning up. To be fair they shouldn’t really have known about it.

30 November, 2007 15:39

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fair call. Maybe he is guilty, maybe not, be the press should not have been there. Hopefully the police will pursue whoever told the press with the same vigour they carried out the raid. There is no room for such people in the police.

30 November, 2007 21:20

Blogger Sergeant Simon said...

The media definition of a raid is somewhat different when it involves their idea of a criminal, i.e. not white middle class....

01 December, 2007 18:37

Blogger alanorei said...

The NWales Force is ready for raiders.

03 December, 2007 16:19

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think the politicians should have a taste of their own medicine when it comes to lousy pay deals then sign this petition

What's to say that whoever tipped off the police about Harry, tipped off the media as well?

03 December, 2007 18:59

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Was that the one where they said "they've done and armed robbery, we think they've got a gun, we'll need to get in there quickly....."


04 December, 2007 13:27

Blogger alanorei said...

Anon said:


Was that the one where they said "they've done and armed robbery, we think they've got a gun, we'll need to get in there quickly....."

Not sure - but I wonder if everyone will want an MP5 SAR now?

Seriously, West Cumbria Police carried out a successful drugs raid recently. All seems to have gone very well.

You should be able to see the report on the BBC Look North site tomorrow night.

Right now, members of our local force are trying to sort out this chap who's just turned up after having been missing for 5 years.

All in a day's work, I guess...

04 December, 2007 19:32

Blogger Whichendbites said...

So this was a raid, the Police didn't do a swoop then ? No closing of the net on these miscreants, just a raid ? I prefer a swwop. You know where you are when you go swooping.

04 December, 2007 20:11

Blogger alanorei said...

Re: The West Cumbria raid. It's on the site now.

They arrested 10 people and confiscated a large haul of heroin and cocaine.

P.S. DC Corbett is improving.

04 December, 2007 21:20

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03 April, 2009 20:41

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15 April, 2009 09:00


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