This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The truth... revisited

As a follow-up to the NCRS scandal, now the Daily Mail is reporting that police officers in Norwich are being told to under-record offences like criminal damage.

I want to move to Norfolk. Here in Blandshire, we pride ourselves on being one of the best forces in the country on ethical crime-recording. I can barely attend an incident of dog barking without coming away with three crime reports. Far from being told to consider whether smashed car windows are really crimes, we are frequently asked to consider whether lost wallets and dropped phones ARE actually crimes. They nearly always are.

In case you missed it, yes, that's right, police forces are MEASURED on their ability to MEASURE crime, and it is one of the factors taken into account in their yearly rankings. You cannot fault the thinking in Blandshire's Senior Management Team: they've given up actually preventing or detecting crime, and instead are sinking all their money into just recording it bloody well. Which means ensuring that every caller to the police, however frivolous or time-wasting, is given their very own crime reference number and sent away happy.

Incidentally, I am pleased to see Norfolk DCC Ian Learmonth using the saga as an opportunity to speak out against NCRS. I mean, what is a Deputy Chief Constable for if not to stand up for the Home Secretary's beliefs?

'Diary of an On-Call Girl' is available in all good bookstores and online.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just don't know where it will all end. Reading those comments from the Norfolk DCC in your link made my heart sink. 20+ years ago comments and words that just trip off his tongue would have got him a fast-track passage straight to pseuds corner. Now no one bats an eyelid - in fact, if he didn't speak like that someone would be wondering what was wrong.

As for the ethics of it - when did these ACPO guys forget the definition of a constable? Last time I looked it was to "prevent and detect crime", not to desperately try to get everything reclassified.

Why are we in this handcart and where are we going?!

07 May, 2008 10:26

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eeez avin a laurf...

"Mr Learmonth yesterday issued a memo of his own clarifying exactly how offences should be categorised and recorded. He said the leaked memo had been intended for police officers who would understand its intentions and had been misinterpreted after entering the public domain"

He sounds like a MP with that quote

07 May, 2008 11:47

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officer in Daily Mail link:
"...burglaries are often downgraded to “theft from property”, a less serious offence."

Home Office website*
"Burglary rates have been dropping for some time thanks to a wide-ranging approach to tackling the problem."

Hats off to the creative thinkers at the Home Office.

*For added piss-take, under Crime & Victims, How we're reducing crime.

07 May, 2008 13:14

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets not forget the decline in Robbery aka Muggings largely because they have been reclassified as theft from persons. If violence was used or threatened which is essential component part of a Robbery offence definition then the "Ethical" Crime reclassification department call it an an Assault followed by a theft from person or t hey just ignore the violence and say it was insufficent.

Of course the major stumbling block is the average Police Officer who records it initially as Robbery and then wont change his mind to suit the figures.

Of course it gets changed but someone up high has to put their name to it and overrule the Bobby and that makes them very nervous.

The best way to have ethical crime recording system is to have it recorded by Bobby who stands their ground when they try to get it reclassified.

Of course there are other examples

Attempt Burglary - to - Criminal Damage

Murder - to - Manslaughter

These two that spring to mind other than the others already written about above.

07 May, 2008 14:48

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"we are frequently asked to consider whether lost wallets and dropped phones ARE actually crimes. They nearly always are".
Fortunately at our place an officer is sent out to ASK the i/p whether the phone or wallet is actually stolen before some numpty in an office gets involved and crimes it. After a brief chat 9 times out of 10 it turns out that the i/p has no idea what has happened to their property, and so it is LOST (unless in the intervening time mobiles or credit cards have been used by persons unknown).
Usually, the comp doesn't care as long as they get a police number - not necessarily a crime number. Crime figures are down, and officers can tootle off and investigate something that they may be able to do something about.
Everyone's happy...
Isn't this ethical?

07 May, 2008 20:30

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, when I phoned GMP in December 2004 to officially report very serious crimes involving historical child abuse,[and worse]I was NOT given a "crime number". A statement was taken at home and the matter was promptly covered up.
Is that "ethical"??? Perhaps they reclassified it as "best forgotten", because it was cops what done it! The TRUTH about the bad boys in the past really would shock this country. Meanwhile Gordon and his band of bandits are quite happy to pervert the course of justice, hide the truth and ruin this country. Is this ethical?

08 May, 2008 00:55

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no a troll!!

08 May, 2008 14:05

Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE anon 14.05 who thinks that being a victim of sexual abuse and attempted murder makes one "a troll"....OH NO s/he is obviously a dog breathed hard hearted vile moron. Get real creep.

08 May, 2008 23:44

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes when you're a cop on he ground, you just got to take the initiative

10 May, 2008 15:08

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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03 April, 2009 21:18


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